I was totally like the double rainbow dude when we saw this epic brilliant arching prism on the way to the mountain
Yea… I was seriously lunchin out to this amazing rainbow. Sometimes I believe in symbolic phenomena and sometimes I think it is hog-wash hocus pocus. That day I was a believer.
It’s entirely up to me whether I find symbolic meaning in something or not. Due to the subjective nature of ‘signs from the universe’ everyone will take them to mean something different. I chose to think that this rainbow meant that our mountain ski and snowboard trip was going to be epic and the beginning of great fortune
And my hypothesis proved correct. We had an amazing time at Mammoth. The trip has brought my brother and I closer together. We had time to plot and scheme on potential future projects. I may have broken some ribs… but hey… a few broken ribs is minor compared to extraordinary emotional and psychic groundwork. Blessings to you